After careful consideration of the only comment I got from my last blog and a couple of conversations with a couple of you who are illiterate when it comes to my native language, I have decided to change to Iswenglishianm and from now on I will write my blog in that language. It may take me a while to redefine the title and some of the links =P
In the meantime here are a couple of photos from the ice-climbing acventure on the glacier with Francesco.
Me, armed with Ice-axes and clamp-ons, ready to attack the wall of ice in the nice bright orange waterproof trousers I borrowed (they turned out to be not as waterproof as they looked):

Francesco trying to kill the wall, it was not really this foggy, my camera just didn't much like the rain that was trying to drown us..
My camera seems to be ok for the moment, but unfortunately Francesco's phone didn't survive the ordeal unharmed. I guess this sort of things are not really ment to be taken for a walk on the glacier..
In the meantime here are a couple of photos from the ice-climbing acventure on the glacier with Francesco.
Me, armed with Ice-axes and clamp-ons, ready to attack the wall of ice in the nice bright orange waterproof trousers I borrowed (they turned out to be not as waterproof as they looked):

Francesco trying to kill the wall, it was not really this foggy, my camera just didn't much like the rain that was trying to drown us..

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